Circle the Cirque Crest
Afternoon, Bench Lake and the Cirque Crest over the Muro Blanco. Marion Peak and State Peak dominates the skyline. There are areas up there that probably have not seen a human footprint for years. If I had ten lifetimes, I would visit all of the cirques of that crest .
The Cirque Crest
Circle The Cirque Crest - By D.W.Donehoo (All rights reserved)
After setting up camp and doing some washing up, rinsing out sweaty clothing and hanging them out to dry, we decided to do some exploring. It had been a short day of hiking so far, and we had plenty of energy for the task. From the time I was last at Bench Lake I had been kicking myself for not getting up to the Arrow Creek drainage (something I have yet to do) and exploring other nearby points of interest. To the south-east of Bench Lake is another collection of lakes that are easy to overlook in the face of overwhelming Bench Lake, and we set out to look them over.
The cross-country is relatively easy, but a bit up and down due to the granite ribbed country being east-west oriented and the fact we were going to higher ground.
Just peeking up over the mountains is Split Mountain. Mt. Ruskin is the highest peak on the left. Also peeking up near mid-picture is the oddly named Vennacher Needle. This is looking towards Mather Pass.
When we reached the western-most lake we were surprised by the fair scenic quality of the lake, and the fact there was no sign of human activity anywhere. We turned the small lake and headed to the higher lake. The route climbs rapidly but gently above tree line to the large circular treeless unnamed lake. The northern shore was fringed by a grassy sward, and the far shore was talus slopes plunging into the lake. The setting was very impressive, and a well situated camp would afford wonderful views of the Cartridge Pass area and the divide it belongs to. A nearby granite slope led by easy cross-country into the upper basin to the obviously granite-bound barren lake above sitting in its basin.
Taboose Pass, and to the left of the pass is Cardinal Mountain.
A nearby grassy gully led west to polished granite and a snow-field with an utterly phenomenal view of the entire area. All of Bench Lake was stretched out below, Cirque Crest seemed to go on forever, and our next days goal, Taboose Pass was laid out in bald relief.
Eventually we made our way back to camp, whipped up dinner, and and did our best to wile away the evening relaxing and soaking up the view until the stars came out.