Circle the Cirque Crest
A typical choke point in the Muro Blanco near where we crossed the river to camp.
Day 2 in the Muro Blanco
Circle The Cirque Crest - By D.W.Donehoo (All rights reserved)
Day 11, Tuesday, September 9.
As I write this, it is exactly six weeks ago today we spent our last day in the Muro Blanco. Surely, a day to remember. Sleep seemed only a brief interlude, a rest between rounds of a boxing match, dreamless, with a harsh line between unconsciousness and wakefulness. We both woke at the first shade of the approaching dawn. I packed my sleeping bag and pad in the gloom, and as we ate our breakfast and packed, the first rays of the sun illuminated the high peaks above. We both wanted to get the hell out of the Muro Blanco.We pushed on, once again bolder-hopping along the river, thrashing through thick bush, and talus-hopping, only this time with less energy than we started the previous day, which seemed so long ago.