Kern-Kaweah and Kaweah Basins
Upper Kern-Kaweah canyon. This is looking up-canyon. Triple Divide Peak is on the right horizon.
Upper Kern-Kaweah Canyon
Kern-Kaweah and Kaweah Basins via Colby Pass, September, 2000.
Back to our packs and back on the well-defined trail, be began our descent. At first the trail slid gently downward into thick forest and trended to the left before beginning to switchback in earnest. Gradually the trail became steeper and steeper until at one point it seemed a well-groomed track heading downward as steeply as a trail could go without being a fall. The only trail I have seen as steep as this section was a section descending into Lost Canyon on the Big 5/Little 5 Lake trail. Obviously someone was maintaining this trail because I saw freshly cut deadfall cleared away. Whoever did this, I thank you.
From my perch looking down to the first "step" of the valley the trail would meet. There are lakes hidden by rocks in this picture. Consult a map to see what is out there.