A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

A birds eye view of Minaret Lake from the ledge near the tarn above Minaret Lake. Note the many trails along the lake, and the ponds across the lake on the right. Mammoth Mountain can be seen in the distance. In camp near sundown, glare from the windows of the Mammoth Mountain lift-house glared like a small orange angry sun. Owens Valley can be seen on the left. In the distance, the Sierra Crest.

The View from the Tarn

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

The chute and rubble strewn switchbacks eventually leveled and dropped a bit to enter a small bowl valley with a small tarn at one end (see below).

Minatets Trip

At the end of this tarn are some stunted trees and beyond a great view of Minaret Lake.

We went down to the other end of the lake (turning the pond on the left) to a small group of stunted trees and a ledge overlooking Minaret Lake. We could look right down into our camp, and in camp we saw this one guy climb a tree covered mound to the north of camp and found a fair path all the way to the ledge we were standing on.

Minatets Trip

Looking right down on our camp. Note the trail to camp and a faint trail to Cecile Lake. There is another Cecile Lake trail below not pictured that is not at all faint.

This was a view not to be missed, but I guessed that most people passed it by without exploring this tarn and ledge.

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