The Ottoway Lakes Loop
Looking towards the Post Peak Pass area, with the Minarets on background horizon. The trail cross right at the tip of the lake below and heads for the tarns and lakes beyond.
Down to the Plateau
The Ottoway Lakes Loop, September 2004 As I descended, I took note of a collection of tarns and small lakes scattered on a huge slab and sand bench to the southeast. I noticed below a small nearly barren lake that from my position kind of looked like a huge watery arrow, with the trail crossing the tip. There were two clumps of trees on the shore that may have sheltered a camp (but why bother with better camping nearby?).
I believe that is Tripple Divide Peak on the right. The trail crosses the open area on the left, heading to those small tarns.
It looked to me that from that lake outlet I could descend cross-country to Red Devil Lake. So after a jump-down to the last few feet of descent, the trail abruptly headed generally east towards that outlet mentioned above then I hooked left towards Red Devil Lake.