Big Five / Little Five Lakes Loop


Looking back towards Black Rock Pass on the west side mid-picture, you can see the trail angling up to the pass. The pass is much easier to hike up to from this side, but I would not want to do it if it meant going up Sawtooth Pass from the west side.

Down The West Side of the Pass

Big 5, Little 5 Lakes Loop and Sawtooth Pass, August 4th to 7th, 2000.

The trail was obviously easier than the west side, and it helped to be going downhill for once. A few red gravel switchbacks brought me to solid easy walking on a trail that snaked a twisted path downward. The clear air fooled me, and I could see the pass approach was longer than it looked from above, but still the way seemed shorter and less arduous than the west side route. More views opened up to the north towards Nine Lake Basin, where a few clouds roamed. I could see most of the Little Five Lakes on my way down.
Eventually the trail leveled out somewhat and headed north. Here was a choice. I could stay on the trail all the way to Big Five Lakes and see most of the Little Five Lakes, or I could head for the col and drop into the upper basin of Big Five Lakes. I decided to take the col because I felt pressed for time on this trip, and I suspected that if I stayed on the trail I would never make it to the upper basin of the Big Five Lakes, which I wanted to see. Above tree-line scenery wins out every time.

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