The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

The granite hill left of center is Point 8607, and the Cold Creek trail (PCT) goes to the left of it. This is the top of White Cascade, and just beyond are the woods of the Glen Aulin HSC. High on the horizon on the right is Mt. Conness. See the little house down by the water?

Above White Cascade

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls, June 2004

From McGee Lake to Trailhead: 6.1 miles, 1377 foot gain, 340 foot loss.

A new day and back on the trail. We headed off down the lake, and I looked for my note, which was gone. Later, Dave gave this "What note?" routine, but confessed he found it on the way out and picked it up. Ha ha. Dave's a card.

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

We were now approaching Tuolumne Falls.

At the junction, we took a right up-stream: most of the way was either a gentle downhill or fairly level. Nice because it made it easier to take in the views towards the Sierra Crest. Before long we passed the fine view over White Cascade and began the short easy climb up to Tuolumne Falls.

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