Mt. Whitney From Cottonwood Lakes


My first view of Soldier Lake from the trail on the western side of the lake. The better camping is out of sight on the right.

Lower Soldier Lake

Mt. Whitney Trip from Cottonwood Lakes Trailhead. June 2000.

We pulled into lower Soldier Lake after about 11 miles and nearly 3000 accumulated feet of elevation gain. We neglected to explore the area for the better camps that were there at the lake and instead settled for a camp on top of a steep knoll next to a cliff that blocked the sun far too early.


That peak mid-picture is The Major General over Soldier Lake. There are several camps across the lake on the right.

We were too tired to look for something better. We should have because the mosquitoes were insufferable there, and the worst of the whole trip. The night was too warm, the mosquitoes continued to be pests long after dark, and our sleep that night was fitful.

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