The Benson Lake Loop
Circue Peak and Hunewell Peak Grace the Horizon over Crown Lake. The trail is just above the lake on the left. The dingy sunlight would improve the next day. Nice beach, but I doubt the 9500 foot lake water warmed up much.
Crown Lake
The Benson Lake Loop, August 2004
Another long up-hill trudge finally deposited me near a branch trail leading to a large beat-out camp area well away from Crown Lake. After scouting the whole area and meeting countless "No Camping Here" signs (even in legal sites), I decide on a camp in a small level gully just beyond the overused camps. After setting up my small no-impact camp, I scouted the area. There were other people there in various odd places, but generally there was plenty of acreage between campers. Crown Lake itself was pleasant and scenic, but small potatoes for what lay ahead of me on this trip.
Crown Lake. The trail really hugs the lake shore before heading for the rocks ahead and the short section of switchbacks leading to the next open level area. There are supposed to be other camps at the end of the lake. The white granite Juggernaut looms ahead. The next pass is to the left of the Juggernaut.
Eventually the day and I wound down to a nice dinner followed by a weary body in a warm down bag. It had been a long day. I was really looking forward to the next day.