The Benson Lake Loop
The pure white granite of The Juggernaut flanks the Mule Pass trail. To the right you can see the trail switchbacking below the trees.
A Pocket Valley
The Benson Lake Loop, August 2002
The trail followed the edge of the lake closely for a bit then veered away to hit a tight set of switch-backs in a gully. This trail-pain (easier to endure after a good nights sleep) quickly deposited me into a level vale, a pocket valley, with a scenic view of The Juggernaut and part of the pass trail. A fair level grass edged trail segment led me to the trail junction: I toyed with the idea dropping my pack and taking the right junction to visit Snow Lake, but thought better of it. Looking to the left it was obvious that the trail would be making its way into a huge section of talus. Fine, as long as there was a trail through it. Taking the left at the junction, I crossed meadow to a stream (another wet one early season) where I hopped across on rocks and began the ascent towards Mule Pass.Near the top of the switchbacks (seen below) to the pocket valley you have a nice view down to the valley of Crown Lake.