The Benson Lake Loop
Regulation Peak over Rodgers Lake. Note the islands in the lake below. This is my kind of high alpine lake, with plenty to do, see and take pictures of. Now this is Sierra wilderness.
Rodgers Lake
The Benson Lake Loop, August 2002
I took pictures and walked down to Rodgers Lake, and it struck me that had I known more about this location, I would have continued on from Smedberg Lake the day before to this Lake with its better camps, seclusion and superior surroundings and views. Lakes like Smedberg Lake can be found throughout the Sierra at altitudes from 7000 to 9000 feet, particularly in the Immigrant Wilderness. However, Rodgers Lake was a unique true alpine wonder with its surrounding multitude of peaks, its picturesque shores of granite, erratics and cozy groves of trees hiding secluded camping that did not have the well used look of those on the PCT. If I ever get within a few miles of this lake again, I am staying here for a night at least.The western end of Rodgers Lake (9507 feet). I will probably be visiting this lake soon from Hetch Hetchy on a loop through the area.
Back at my pack and after a few more scans of the area, it was a short scenic interesting walk back to the trail junction where I unloaded and sat a spell enjoying the first lunch of the day. Looking around I found rusting relics of a bygone age hidden behind some rocks under the trees.