The Benson Lake Loop
The trail junction for Murdock Lake on the PCT.
From 9455 feet to 7581 Feet in Elevation
The Benson Lake Loop, August 2002
Back on the trail and into the forest, I soon found the next shaded trail junction after .6 miles and 115 feet of total gain.After the junction the trail began a knee knocking plunge down into the canyon of "Smedberg Creek", and all along the way I was rejoicing that I did not have to hike up that steep switchback monster only to plunge right back down again and then back up to Smedberg Lake. There were places along the trail that were much like the trail leading up to the Peeler Lake junction where you could look down on multiple switchbacks. The canyon was very steep but fairly well shaded, a boon to the unfortunates slogging their way upwards.
Here from the trail you can see the path of the outlet stream of Smedberg Lake. Just above center picture you can see the forest at the edge of Smedberg Lake.
At the bottom of the steepest section the trail crossed the first of no less than six stream crossings before the Benson Lake junction. In early season, each crossing promised to be a wet crossing, some possibly treacherous.
The trail was now much tamer, sometimes even level for long stretches, all the better for enjoying the interesting and ever changing terrain. The usual expected polished or weathered granite sometimes gave away to brush, soil and metamorphic reds and browns. Occasionally I was treated to a fair view of the opposite canyon wall or up canyon, but mostly it was views of nearby trees and rocks. Still, it was a pleasant walk.