The Benson Lake Loop
Your author at the small lake next to the Seavey Pass trail (PCT). A great area to camp and explore.
Seavey Pass Lakes
The Benson Lake Loop, August 2002After a last look back down the canyon, I marched the short distance to a cozy wood bordering a beautiful lakelet. A look at the map told me I was in the vicinity of four small lakes, but I would only see the one. I should have taken the time to study my map and done some walking: another missed opportunity. Actually there were over ten small lakes in the area, but I would only see two, although two small additional ones were dried up. But the one I was presently at was a little Sierra jewel. On the side I was on it was bordered by a long grove of pines, while the rest of the lake was bordered by white clean granite that framed the Sierra skyline. Trees studded the granite in picturesque ways, and a large dome to the northeast reflected itself in the calm waters of the fairly deep lake.
Looking north-east from the trailside lake. Note the person standing on the left on the shore. The trail is to the left.
There was natural access point at about mid point along the lake that provided a great place to get water, views or go for a swim in warmer conditions. I took the opportunity to unload and get water while chatting with an acquaintance I made the day before, who I had caught up with there at the lake. Clear calm deep pools surrounded by rock always look mysterious to me, and this small lake was especially attractive. There were no obvious camping spots in the area, and in this case, I think that is a good thing. Other larger lakes and streams in the area have appropriate camping.
The un-named peak above Benson Lake from the pleasant trailside Seavey Pass area lake.