The Benson Lake Loop
A part of Kerrick Meadow.
Kerrick Meadow
The Benson Lake Loop, August 2002
Trudging on through Kerrick Meadow I still had to admire the pleasant beauty of the open meadow area. It seemed a bit more lush and interesting than the sandy tundra down canyon. It was also a more familiar type of meadow, sometimes flat, sometimes rolling, studded with erratics, with a great deal more trees fringing it than in the lower canyon. The trail gently climbed from meadow step to step then crossed a large final meadow to meet the signed trail junction.At the rocks ahead is the junction to Buckeye Pass and Peeler Lake. We are looking in the direction of Peeler Lake.
Taking a right I followed the trail into the forest for a last easy to moderate climb of about 117 feet through garden-like terrain to the vast expanse of the Peeler Lake waters. I was well ready to rest. I had hiked 10.3 miles, gained 2624 feet with 662 feet of loss, not counting the side trip to Arndt Lake, which added about one mile and about 200 feet.