Deadman Canyon Loop


The the north end of the Great Western Divide can be seen on the left, which is Avalanche Peak. Mt. Brewer can also be seen here, as well as South and North Guard peaks.

The View in the Valley

Deadman Canyon Loop - By D.W.Donehoo (All rights reserved)

In the summer of 2000, I revisited this area on my way to the Kern-Kaweah and Kaweah Basins and stayed another night at the Sugarloaf campsite. Nothing much has changed except the camp looked extensively beat out after a seasons heavy use. While there, we climbed up to a shoulder of the Sugarloaf that overlooked the meadow and looked towards the Great Western Divide and our eventual destination. We had a good look at Mt. Brewer, which we had recently visited, and could see roughly where Colby Pass was, one of our hiking targets. It was a pleasant evening if a but muggy, but hardships were coming...

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