Kern-Kaweah and Kaweah Basins
The target of the whole trip, Kaweah Basin as seen from the small lake at about mid-basin. On the left, Kaweah Pass can be seen below Mt. Kaweah. "Square Top" is just right of mid-horizon. Red Kaweah is a tooth on the right horizon. The peak at mid picture is Second Kaweah. Pyra-Queen Col is not visible in this shot.
Kaweah Basin
Kern-Kaweah and Kaweah Basins via Colby Pass, September, 2000.
It was time to go down there into the valley and we set out down the slope. If I had studied the terrain longer I would have seen it was easier to go left and cross the stream near the lake and travel up canyon on easier terrain, but I plunged down to the stream instead. At first it was easy going, but as we traveled up stream it began to become an annoying talus hop. I crossed at one point and climbed up some rocks to gain the outlet end of small lake, a location that proved cold and windy. Before us the basin compliment of a section of the Kaweah Peaks Ridge was stretched out before us in all its dark brooding volcanic glory, encouraging pictures to be taken.
Another shot of the Kaweah Peaks Ridge showing a bit more ridge and the tear shaped lake that marks our furthest advance.
Looking at the map, there did not seem to be much gained by heading further up into the basin. Seemed like everything we wanted to see was right in front of us. Had we been camping nearby, it might have been a different story, with time to burn. Instead, we tried to get something to eat after taking the few pictures, but the wind, cold, and the afternoon hour convinced us we should be heading back. Once again I should of thought of taking the easier terrain back towards the lower lake, but instead crossed the swift creek again to mount some rocks to a long shelf that led fairly gently back to our col where we had entered the basin. After I had dreamed about visiting this basin for years and after a cursory visit, I was ready to leave. Oh well, maybe I will visit it again some day for a more in-depth study.