A Backpack to the Remote Lyell Fork of the Merced River
Gallison Lake and its vast surrounding lawn.
Gallison Lake
A Trail and Cross-Country Route to the Lyell Fork, July 2007
From a wooded patch ahead I could hear the cascade of the stream, but before reaching it I turned up-hill from the lawn by the pools and found a sort of half bowl to climb up to get to the 10,400 bench of the grass surrounded lake ahead. From there it is an easy walk to Gallison Lake. What is unusual about this stroll is that most of the hike is on continuous vast High Sierra lawn. I have never seen anything quite like it. Gallison Lake itself is completely exposed and completely surrounded by this vast lawn. You can also look right across to Vogelsang pass, not much higher than Gallison Lake.
Lewis Creek heading towards Gallison Lake. On the horizon, Vogelsang Pass beneath Vogelsang Peak.
Adding to this picturesque setting is Lewis Creek dancing down the slope towards Gallison Lake, and like the lake, the lawn covers everything right down to the waters edge.
From near Gallison Lake, looking towards the lake at about 10,400 feet. Where is the golf cart? In the distance, Mt. Clark.