A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

Easily one of the most stunning lakes in the Sierra, much less the Minarets. The waterfall marks a possible entrance to a cross-country route to Holcome Lake and who knows, maybe even a way into the Iron Creek drainage and Iron Lake.

Ashley Lake!

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

We crested the slight rise to the shore of the lake and beheld a classic alpine vista that practically defines the reason we go into the high mountains. The surroundings are unexpectedly astounding, with every rock and tree seemingly arranged by a master landscape artist. One can expect such beauty in paintings, but it is quite surprising to find it in real life. The beauty of this lake is almost surreal in a range known for many unusually beautiful locations. I took far more picture than I can show you, which is a shame because wherever you point the camera, you have a picture-postcard view.

The outlet has a small bay which serves well as a reflection pond, as you can see above in the picture. The utter stillness of the clear blue sky day only enhanced the sounds of our movements and the choir of water music coming from the outlet and the lovely waterfall across the lake. Iron mountain lorded above all, festooned with glaciers and lingering snows which fed the waters of this perfect alpine lake.

Minarets Trip

A glacier! One of two at Ashley Lake.

We quickly dropped our packs to explore and fetch water. Being so used to white granite, again I was impressed with the curious hard gray rock of the Minarets, which here dominated everything. Here at lakeside, the rock often played counterpoint to the lawn covered shore with its small Hemlocks.

I would encourage anyone visiting this lake to treat it with the utmost respect, doing no harm and leaving no trace. I did not visit it, but I believe there is an established camp just north of the outlet. Visitors should use the established camps only, or just pass through like we were doing. Please preserve the beauty of this unique lake.

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