A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

What a lovely spot. The babbling waters, the pool, the flowers, the rocks,  the spindly Hemlocks and Lodgepoles, the thick  lawn...

Alpine Oasis

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

The trail soon reached the easy crossing of the Ashley Lake outlet stream (a fork of King Creek), and we came across a small oasis of lush green amidst the dry valley. The 7.5 map says "marsh", but there was nothing of that I could see. I don't know why I liked this spot so much, but I do. I actually turned aside to see the entire pocket meadow and take pictures. Dave looked bemused and said, "Where you going?". I explained, lined up the best shot I could so I would never forget and reluctantly headed back to the trail. What a nice spot.

Minatets Trip

Looking back at Iron Mountain from the "Alpine Oasis".

Even this late in the season, there were plenty of flowers around, in particular a very hardy and colorful variety of Indian Paintbrush I had never seen anywhere else. The colors are very interesting and unique.

At this point the trail reached the place most maps have the trail...er...trailing off to nothing. Quickly thereafter we reached the outlet stream of Noname Lake where we once again turned left to leave the trail to follow the outlet stream upward to Noname Lake.

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