A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

Just below out of sight, the trail wanders off to hit the trail coming up from below. In the distance, Mammoth Mountain.

Isn't "Noname" a Name?

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

We headed directly north along the Noname Lake outlet stream (it is also the Holcomb Lake outlet stream). The way is rocky and exposed, but solid Class 1 travel on firm ground (see the pictures). A very dry looking place (warm too), especially after the "oasis".

Minatets Trip

Last look at Iron Mountain from the cross-country route to Noname Lake. The Noname outlet stream is over there in the trees.

Minatets Trip

Looking south-east from just above Noname Lake, looking back in the direction from where the trail comes from below. We are not going that way.

We slogged up the slope on broken ground composed of dark and light gray rock, in some places smoothed by glacier action. After about 100 feet of exposed elevation gain (with nice far views), we topped a rib of rock.

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