A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

I am sure climbers have names for all these spires to the west and south-west. I did not see any names in the Secor book. The tall one is around 10,754 feet.

Basin Peaks

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

Back in camp I got out the maps to try to figure out the names of the surrounding peaks, but there are few and not many in this area. Only when I got home did I figure out that one was called "The Watchtower", and that by Secor.

Minatets Trip

The spire on the right in the evening sun is the one next to Mineret Lake. The ridge ahead is part of Deadhorse Pass

Minatets Trip

Sunset on Mineret Creek Basin.

Ah well, I got out my chair and book and enjoyed the remaining day. Dave also roused himself and did some exploring towards Dead Horse Pass and the lakes. Every so once in a while I got up to walk out to the granite dike or lake, but I generally relaxed. Soon enough the sun dropped over the western ridge and it was time for dinner for me and a few close mosquitoe friends (rare so late in the season). It got a bit chilly, so it was nice warm sack and book time. It was a great day in the Minarets.

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