A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

One of the ponds (part of the outlet) near Minaret Lake, looking towards "The Watchtower". The lake has gotta be around here somewhere... Both of these pictures are of the same pond, and again you can see the difference between digital and film cameras.

The Rim of the Lake

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

After the long traverse and a lot of trail meandering, you start wondering when the lake is going to show up. The first thing you hit are some ponds that can under some conditions be reflective mirrors for the soaring peaks.


Minatets Trip

You can get along the south shore of the lake from near here. There are some small camps over there as well as at the south-west corner. On my first visit I camped on the south shore in a depression guarded by some small trees. It was very windy and blew dirt into my tent.

Minatets Trip

One last look back the way we came, looking towards the Silver Divide. In 2006, the pond below was full.

We will take a detour down the south shore of the lake because I went there in 1999 but not in 2006. The lake is sort of divided into north shore and south shore as to where most of the camps are. There are others, which I will point out. So we will first visit the south shore so you know what that area is like.

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