A Short Trip in the Pioneer Basin Area

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Looking up canyon to the Third Recess.

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Looking down canyon from near Lower Hopkins Lake. Recess Peak is on the far right.

Back to Edison

A Pioneer Basin Trip from Edison Lake, June 2003

Another bright and clear early morning, and we were off as soon as we were ready. Dave departed while I took care of some personal issues, then it was a fast descent to Hopkins Creek. I looked in vain for a place to make a dry crossing and then gave up and waded across the easy ford.

I kept my wading shoes on (despite a few hitchhikers) and continued down the trail and into the morning shadow of the mountains to the east. It was a bit cold but the exercise kept me warm. I minced down the trail, and what little streams there were to ford I just sloshed across. At the canyon bottom I found Dave waiting and I continued on and across the Hopkins Creek ford which was a ways down the trail. On the other side, we got our boots on and headed out.

I will not bore you all with the details of the return trip to the ferry pickup area, except for a few points. At the JMT/PCT crossing of Mono Creek (a raging river then), we visited our old camp from the JMT trip some ten years ago. It looked almost exactly the same, although the weather was better than then. At the boat landing we had to kill a lot of time, although it was a pleasant time. The ride across the lake was windy, but did give us some time to visit with the new owner of the VVR. Back at the VVR we headed to Mono Hot Springs for food and a shower. A nice end to a nice trip.

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