Big Five / Little Five Lakes Loop
While I wish the Timber Gap Creek and falls had more water in it, it was still somewhat interesting.
Down a Crooked Path
Big 5, Little 5 Lakes Loop and Sawtooth Pass, August 4th to 7th, 2000.
On a barren section elevated above flanking washouts I met another fellow traveler heading upward taking an undoubtedly well earned rest. A broken hip belt complicated his situation, and I sympathized with his dilemma. He also informed me of a col between Big and Little 5 Lakes, and being pressed for time, I seriously considered it.
Here the trail crosses a gully on its endless downward plunge towards Cliff Creek. Still a long ways to go.
Spring had arrived in the high country and the previous week featured a Gulf of California monsoon, which delivered torrents of rain and golf ball sized hail. (My weather for this trip was clear and hot.) As a result it was actually humid which complimented the jungle like flowered overgrowth which threatened to obliterate the trail in places. Also, the wet weather had encouraged another outbreak of mosquitoes, which were few but unusually persistent.