Brewer Basin in Kings Canyon
Big Brewer Lakeoutlet with Mt. Brewer above.
Mt. Brewer and Big Brewer Lake
...God knows we could not have gotten far anyway. We were pooped. In three days we had gone from 5000 feet to over 12000 feet and one pass cross-country, and we felt like it. Smelled like it too, I am positive.
Camp at last in Brewer Basin
I did see some signs of previous human visits such as the obvious seldom used campsites and a few scattered scorched rocks from those who just HAD to have an illegal campfire. Dave and I have not had a campfire for a few years now, preferring warm clothes and the stars at night to smoky blazes that people tend to stand about staring into like catatonics. Now campfires are saved for special occasions like extreme conditions, mosquitoes, or for cooking fish..