A Walk on the Tablelands


At the far left, the line of trees leads to Lonely lake. On the left end of the the horizon the red coloration marks Elizabeth Pass. The center horizon is dominated by Black Kaweah and Kaweah Pass is a little to the right. The Great Wester Divide marches onward off to the right.

Looks Like a Long Way Down...

In the warm sunshine on the crest of the pass we sat back with our lunches and enjoyed the view of the Lone Pine drainage, Elizabeth Pass, and the Great Western Divide on one side, and the Tablelands on the other. The Lone Pine drainage just plunged forever downward, seemingly bottomless.
Too soon, I had to stick my sore feet back into my boots and saddle up for the descent. We began to pick our way downward through a maze of ledges and ramps, every step grinding on my feet into deeper pain. Too late looking back we saw a better descent route, but the going still was not bad, just painful for me.

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