The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

Cathedral Creek ends its long journey through Yosemite in grand fashon with this fall.

Cathedral Creek Falls

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls, June 2004

I had lunch near Cathedral Creek, the very same waters that begin their journey near Cathedral Peak and Cathedral Lakes, although Cathedral Lakes do not contribute their waters to this creek. Cathedral Creek begins its journey on the slopes of Cathedral Peak (where John Muir made the first assent without aide, and where so many others have died) beginning with a small lakelet. The creek winds through Yosemite, passes near McGee Lake (which we will see later), then twists through deep canyons next to Falls Ridge before making the plunge seen in the pictures.

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

Cathedral Creek Falls as seen from the trail up-river a ways. The seasonal trees are looking a bit stunted now, a sure sign that we are beginning to leave the Transition Zone for the Canadian Life Zone.

With the passing of Cathedral Creek Falls, the trail now enters the Falls Ridge country, the home of the star attractions of this trip, the named falls of the Tuolumne River.

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