The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

Below California Falls: The lower part of those falls.

The Pocket Valley of Point 7723

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls, June 2004

As we entered what I call "The Valley of Point 7723", we had our first indication that the long wild continuos plunge of the Tuolumne River was beginning to level out. Hereafter the river would be characterized by long level sections, shallow grade rapids, pooled water and the occasional major or minor fall or short steep cascade.

From the previous almost level section, the trail would climb about 191 feet to the valley of Glen Aulin. I took the pictures on this page at a point just below California Falls looking over "The Valley of Point 7723", a large exposed rocky white granite expanse. It looked like an interesting place to explore in late season when you could safely cross the river. The view from point 7723 promised to be spectacular, with a grand view down the most interesting section of the Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne River.

(Note: From this point, most but not all of the pictures were taken on a previous early season trip to Glen Aulin after a wetter winter.)

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

All these pictures on this page were taken from the same spot. Above is looking down canyon to the right, the the one below is looking left. And the very top picture of this page is looking to the far left at the lower part of California Falls. Above, just right of center you can see white granite Point 7723.

The Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne and Falls

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