Mt. Whitney From Cottonwood Lakes


The meadows above Guitar Lake. Guitar Lake begins to look like its namesake.

Above Guitar Lake

Mt. Whitney Trip from Cottonwood Lakes Trailhead. June 2000.

After more sporadic climbing the last water is reached and it is a small stream in a curious trough that sweeps down the mountainside. Here I caught up with Dave for a morning snack and water break. We filled up with water, both our containers and ourselves.


The Great Western Divide and the Kaweahs here seen above Guitar Lake in early morning light.

We did not stay long because it was bone chilling cold and both my feet and hands were getting numb with cold. I put on a pair of pile gloves and zipped up my pile shirt and headed up the trail after Dave, who was wearing less than I. Soon Dave was out of sight as I cruised along at a comfortable pace, pausing occasionally to admire the view and take pictures.

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