Mt. Whitney From Cottonwood Lakes


Almost at the doorstep of our camp was this lovely view, which we admired at every opportunity. Mt. Langley soars above all.

Cottonwood Camp

Mt. Whitney Trip from Cottonwood Lakes Trailhead. June 2000.

We had managed to be pretty tired by that point, and resting and soaking up the beauty of the place was the first order of business. After a while we scraped up enough energy to make camp and after finding an ideal sleeping spot we once again prepared to sleep out.


The is is the meadow on the other side of the moraine dividing the skinny lake and another large lake. The DF&G cabin is nearby to the left.

Afterwards I did a bit of exploring, restless as always, and after following a faint trail into the woods I found an old DF&G cabin near the small lake in the large open meadow on the opposite side of the moraine. After a leisurely dinner and a dispatch of chores we thoroughly enjoyed the evening with walks around the lakeshore and lake outlet. We watched two young guys climb the small nearby ridge and race the sunlight back to camp. As soon as it was dark enough to require flashlights I retired to my bed and book and Dave did the same. Later when I found sleep I remember waking up just once and seeing the sky filled with stars.

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