A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

The Silver Divide is on the far horizon and the far green patch at mid-picture is the hanging meadow above Fern Lake. Note the flowers, of which there were many on this trip. Looking from the top of the pass.

"Gertrude Lakes Pass" Views

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

Once at the top of the pass we paused for a look or two before continuing on. From there it is pretty easy to see why the cross-country is so easy. There is just not much to the elevation gain and loss, relatively speaking. A good example of that was once we were at the top of the "pass", the route merely dropped a few feet and leveled out mostly, gently sloping towards Gertrude Lakes.

Minatets Trip

That is actually the top of "Gertrude Lakes Pass", north of the pass looking south.

The countryside continued to do its Canada imitation with the plethora of Mountain Hemlock trees. Complimenting that was nice expanses of mountain lawns. Maybe the volcanic material is just too porous (and too high and exposed in the winter) for most kinds of shrubs and trees, encouraging the beautiful open nature of the countryside. Sure made walking easy.

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