A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

The eastern Beck Lake, and beyond you can see the bowl of the further western Beck Lake.

Beck Lakes

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

While Beck Lakes may be a great place to fish (so we were told by fishermen there), it is complicated destination for the casual walker. At the outlet you are faced with the choice of stopping there for the view, or scrambling on to the right for an undetermined distance over talus to get around the lake. The left way looked like it was impassable, or at the very least very difficult.

Minatets Trip

The bowl of the western Beck Lake. There may be a nice early season waterfall hanging over the lake, especially nice if you take the time to scramble around the lake to the further lake. It looks like the route to the western lake is on the far right up a gully above the trees.

We thought about it, then decided we had walked far enough for one day, and a talus scramble seemed unappetizing. Maybe if we planned to stay for a few days...

The trail appears at the outlet and is on the south side of stream. No trouble finding it there. We headed back down, this time on the trail.

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