A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

If you are hiking up from below and reaching this high area for the first time, this is the view that greets you: the Minarets clawing the sky above Minaret Lake. The spike on the right is Clyde Minaret. Note the falls on the right.

Below Minaret Lake

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

Remarkably, all the pictures on this page and the bottom two pictures of the previous page were shot within a fairly small area. That includes the next page as well. Lots to see in a short distance, and even more coming up.

Minatets Trip

The cover photo of this issue of Sierra Trails. The outlet stream below Minaret Lake.

Slogging upward, the trail really gains altitude fast, about 290 feet in a quarter mile. The trail pass through an extremely park-like area with meadow, water falls, beautiful Hemlock trees and towering peaks. Enjoy it while you can if you are there: you are about to tackle some multiple switchbacks to gain the lake. But stop and rest at any time to take in the staggering views.

Minatets Trip

As you climb higher on the trail, the awesome grandeur of the heart of the Minarets is slowly revealed to you.

The higher you go, the more that is revealed, and you think what you are seeing can't be topped. And yet the views grow ever more impressive as you trudge upward. Without a doubt, this is a major impressive area.

Dave passed me: he does not like to stop when doing a steep grade, and I have to stop to take pictures. Remember, no gawking while you're walking. I would catch up later. And anyway, I knew where we were going because I had been there once already. I was back on familiar ground and rather enjoying Dave's reaction to the place. My hype did not exceed the reality.

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