A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

This is the eastern-most of the Minaret Lake lakes, Looking north-west.

The Eastern-Most Lake

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

Back on the main trail we come to a spur trail climbing to our right. We did not go up there this trip, but I did in 1999:

Going up the spur trail slope to the north, I found the eastern-most lake of this group of lakes, and perhaps a shortcut to the Minaret Mine less than a mile away to the north-east. Some exposed camping is possible, but there may be more than I saw. Going around to Minaret Mine through here may be an easier way to get up on Volcanic Ridge.

Minatets Trip

Above is an enlarged section of a  previous picture (shot from the south shore of the Minaret Lake) showing a spur trail (above the main trail) going to the small eastern-most lake in the basin.

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