A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

More alpin-glow on the Minarets, with Clyde Minaret on the right.

Morning Around the Lake

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

I took my time. I was in no hurry to leave what took so long to get to, and who knows if I will ever see it again. I am never in a hurry to leave the wilderness. It was a darn near perfect morning in the wilderness.

Minatets Trip

The small northern-most lake above the main Minaret Lake, looking up towards Volcanic Ridge.

Minatets Trip

One last look of Minaret Lake and its Minaret in early morning light, from the trail around the lake.

In full morning light I was finally packed and off on a leisurely stroll, taking pictures as I went. Turning the lake was easier in this direction, going back to the outlet; not that it was all that hard. My lung congestion slowed me down a bit, and I would be hacking for days afterwards, but I was too jazzed to let it bother me.

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