A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets
More alpin-glow on the Minarets, with Clyde Minaret on the right.
Morning Around the Lake
A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006I took my time. I was in no hurry to leave what took so long to get to, and who knows if I will ever see it again. I am never in a hurry to leave the wilderness. It was a darn near perfect morning in the wilderness.
The small northern-most lake above the main Minaret Lake, looking up towards Volcanic Ridge.
In full morning light I was finally packed and off on a leisurely stroll, taking pictures as I went. Turning the lake was easier in this direction, going back to the outlet; not that it was all that hard. My lung congestion slowed me down a bit, and I would be hacking for days afterwards, but I was too jazzed to let it bother me.One last look of Minaret Lake and its Minaret in early morning light, from the trail around the lake.