A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

One of the Minaret Lake outlet ponds looking south. Note the trail on the left side in the grass.

Heading Down Hill

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

The trail snaked around the lake dodging in and out of early morning shadows, and I was content that for once on this trip the trail would be guiding my feet the rest of the way and I could enjoy the downhill stroll.

Minatets Trip

One last look at the southern Minarets from the trail, with Nancy Pass on the far left horizon.

Minatets Trip

Further down the trail the Minarets seem to be dropping from sight, or reveal themselves if you are going uphill.

One of the joys of the Sierra is that it changes so much in different light, making every trip new, even if you have already done it before. It is new all over again.

Once past the outlet and a bit of side-hilling, the trail drops like a rock while presenting some of the best panoramic vistas available. And the trail is not through showing off its natural wonders!

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