A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minatets Trip

Looking back towards the Minarets before they sink out of sight.

Changing Landscape

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

After a bit the trail plunge leveled out quite a bit and I entered forest now and then. The dramatic change of terrain is quite striking, with the Minarets sinking behind and forest crowding close below. Now I saw meadows, parched hillsides with yellow grass, one moment with wide views, the next thick forest and back again.

Minatets Trip

Just another example of how different the terrain can look after a short walk and loss of altitude. Looking towards Mammoth Mountain.

Minatets Trip

How different the mountains are lower down with their clothing of  trees and mantle of volcanic matter.

With this kind of scenery, a return to the trailhead is more than bearable: it is a downright pleasure. It makes the plow uphill more bearable too, which I have done.

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