A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

The trail closes with the stream (get some water if you need it and filter for sure), allowing you this outstanding view.

Minaret Creek Falls

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

Like I said, the Minarets were not through showing off. After about a pleasant 2.25 miles from camp (and after passing the obvious Minaret Mine trail that can none-the-less be overlooked) I reached stunning Minarets Creek Falls, undoubtedly one of the most picturesque and beautiful falls in the Sierra. Early season they must be magnificent, but even in late season the falls are spectacular.

Minatets Trip

Below the falls the stream enters this interesting convoluted stream bed and possible camp area for those who love camping near falls and streams.

Minatets Trip

Looking up the falls from near the bottom.

Minatets Trip

One last look at the falls as seen from the trail.

It is a good thing it is so beautiful there at the falls, because if you are going uphill it is about a 350 foot climb in less than a half mile. Some maps identify a lower falls as Minaret Falls, but I believe these are the true Minaret Falls.

After a good long look at the falls and too many pictures to show here, I headed out, and was soon enveloped in forest. It remained pleasant, because shortly, for example, I was edging around a large meadow, one of many.

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