A Backpack Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets

Minarets Trip

One or a pair of the Trinity Lakes.

Trinity Lakes to Johnston Meadow Junction

A Cross-Country Traverse of the Minarets, August/September 2006

The next morning, the next milestone would be a drop to Johnston Meadow junction, at 4 miles and a 1700 foot loss. After my usual early start, I hit the trail, and after a short climb to about 9500 feet, I began the drop to Johnston Meadow junction. The first feature of note on a fairly viewless trail was Trinity Lakes, a scattered collection of shallow ponds not far from the trail.

Minatets Trip

One of the Trinity Lakes.

Beyond the lakes I looked for but did not see the trail to the Castle Lakes group. Maybe it is an interesting cross-country destination.

After missing that spur trail, it was just a slog down the trail, turning steep towards the end as it approached Johnston Meadow.

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