The Ottoway Lakes Loop
From a level platform of granite beside the trail, I had this great view high above one of the Upper Ottoway Lakes. It is easy to get down there. You can turn this lake on the right.
A Brief Respite
The Ottoway Lakes Loop, September 2004
From the last nights camp, I could look up and see the first destination of this trail, the top of a headwall below Upper Ottoway Lake and a huge cliff above a side canyon going to the left towards the pass. The trail makes a fairly direct assault on this section on many well-graded switchbacks. This is my kind of trail, short and sweet, as opposed to drawn out and grueling. At about 10,400 feet, the trail sort of levels out and heads south-east, with one section in the middle with more tight switchbacks. All along this whole section, the views back over Lower Ottoway Lake are grand, and a gander back over the lakes is a good excuse for a breather.
At the top of the headwall at last, a view of Lower Ottoway Lake. There was nice level resting-place platform just before the trail dog-legs north with great views all around: a good place to take pictures and catch your breath before taking on the main part of the pass.
At the point the trail heads north into the pass canyon, it passes a level bald granite knoll with a grand view over one of the Upper Ottoway Lakes. To the left of the knoll is a grassy gully leading down to the waters of the lake below, which would also grant access to the further lakes in the basin. This is a good spot for a drink and a gawking session before taking on the next section.