A Short Trip in the Pioneer Basin Area

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Morning reflected in a tarn next to base camp looking towards Mt. Hopkins.

On the Edge of the World

A Pioneer Basin Trip from Edison Lake, June 2003

Timberline country at last! As we crested the lip of Pioneer Basin, we were braced with a grand view over lake 10820. We could see to the furthest north ridge of the basin and the lofty ridge of Mt. Stanford.

We headed over to the stunted trees on our right and found at least two low impact camps sheltered by the Whitebark Pine.

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Mt. Stanford from near the outlet of lake 10820. Camping to the right. The trail goes to the end of the lake.

We quickly set up camp then rested for a bit and snacked. It was still early, morning even, and we planned to explore the basin that same day. As it always seems in the high timberline country, the camping was special. Everything seems so clean in the wilderness, and treeline always seems so tidy and artfully arranged. There was lawn everywhere except under our shelters (and even that was clean gruss) as well as rocks for all our gear. Nearby was a clear reflective pond surrounded with grass and other greenery, and the pond had mysterious little trails of bubbles now and then.

After we were situated, hydrated and rested, we got our things together for a little slack-packing cross-country travel.

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