A Short Trip in the Pioneer Basin Area

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

On the way into the north part of the basin, this is looking back towards the largest lake in the basin.

North Into Pioneer Basin

A Pioneer Basin Trip from Edison Lake, June 2003

The going was very easy, just a strolling trudge working our way to over 11,000 feet. Everything was very garden-like, and spring was just beginning in the basin starting with the greening grass.

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Looking North towards Mt. Stanford and the Sierra Crest. McGee Creek and the Eastern Sierra is just on the other side.

We turned the largest lake (10,862 feet) on the left and worked our way around to the lake inlet and began the climb into the upper basin. There were many little rivulets cascading down into the basin, so water was never a problem. The large lake had some charming little islands which made for interesting pictures. There were many spots where one could have an exposed bivouac, but the higher we went, the fewer were any sheltering trees which were now the size of bushes.

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