A Short Trip in the Pioneer Basin Area

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Looking down from the cross-country route, just before the descent down into the meadow below. Red and White Mountain, part of the Silver Divide, can be seen on the left and Hopkins Pass is just about center picture. You can see Dave on the right coming up the route because this picture was taken on the way back from up canyon.

Hopkins Creek Canyon

A Pioneer Basin Trip from Edison Lake, June 2003

The walking was very level and easy and brought us to a obvious and logical point to begin walking down into the canyon on a grassy slope. The clear view up the canyon was very nice making the route obvious. Red and White mountain made for a nice decoration on the horizon because it looked very, well, red and white.

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Looking up Hopkins Creek Canyon from the meadow at the junction of the cross-country route and the remains of the canyon main trail. Up canyon is aptly named Red and White Mountain, part of the Silver Divide.

Once on the bottom it was further easy walking over loamy grass along Hopkins Creek. I expected to see the putting green any moment now. (I don't play.) We found a logical spot to hop over the creek and headed out.

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