A Short Trip in the Pioneer Basin Area

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

Mt. Hopkins over the junction meadow I have been writing about. Spent a lot of time on this trip looking at both sides of this mountain. Back there in the trees you begin to find a more defined trail.

Mt. Hopkins, Again...

A Pioneer Basin Trip from Edison Lake, June 2003

Looking back we admired the flanks of Mt. Hopkins, a frequent sight on this trip. There was scant evidence of trail, if only a depression here and there. After crossing the meadow stream, we headed over to a logical spot to go higher when, what do you know? We found some usable if somewhat eroded switchbacks up the steep section. We scampered up the switchbacks to another plateau covered by lawn.

Pioneer Basin Area Trip

In that line of trees, and a little beyond, is the switchbacks down to the "junction meadow". Mt. Mills and its glacier looks on from center horizon. As you can see, the cross-country is a real chore. Not too many bugs so far. Get used to this pond: I have more pictures...

We strolled up the canyon to a shallow calm tarn. I saw some depression of an old trail, now almost gone. A few scattered snow banks and rocks decorated the otherwise green expanse of meadow lawn.

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